Welcome to the 

WE COOK-IN Project

WE COOK-IN – Using cooking skills to integrate people with a migrant background into the hospitality sector and increase their job opportunities.  

WE COOK-IN is working to promote social inclusion and enhance people with a migrant background into their host countries’ societies through inclusion in the labour market in HORECA/Hospitality sector. The project aims to integrate people with migrant backgrounds through cooking skills and training programmes that meet our target group’s needs. 

WE COOK-IN Learning Toolkit

This course provides a collection of resources for migrants to enhance their soft and hard skills, leading to better employment prospects. The course consists of five modules, starting with hard skills such as tools and kitchenware use and maintenance, culinary techniques, elaboration, and sustainability. The final module focuses on soft skills like teamwork, social skills, labour integration, gender equality, and cooking vocabulary:

Hard skills – Tools and Kitchenware: Use and Maintenance

Hard Skills – Culinary Techniques and their Raw Materials

Hard Skills – Culinary Elaboration

Hard Skills – Sustainability: Sustainable Waste Management

Soft Skills – Teamwork, social skills, labour integration, gender equality and cooking vocabulary

Adult Educators’ Handbook – Diversity Learning and Competence Validation

The Adult Educators’ Handbook assists adult educators in understanding and implementing crucial concepts like interculturality and diversity in their teaching of adult learners. It also advocates for diverse teaching approaches that can help adult learners acquire valuable skills to enhance their employability.

WE COOK-IN Online Knowledge Platform

The WE COOK-IN Online Platform will serve as a one-stop-shop offering quick and easy access to the WE COOK-IN learning materials. The proposed platform will support a variety of advanced online courses and include a tracking mechanism for adult educators to monitor the progress of their target groups as they use the provided training tools. Additionally, the platform will contain a library of cooking practices and recipes from diverse cultures to serve as a source of inspiration, promote cultural exchange, and raise awareness of the advantages of diversity.


Newsletter 1

Newsletter 2

Newsletter 3

Newsletter 4

Our Partners

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Contact Us

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Project Number – 2022-1-NO01-KA220-ADU-000089795
